Q1: Three Months on the Road

Name: Theresa Reno-Weber

Top 3 cities so far:

·      Paris, France

·      Istanbul, Turkey

·      Budapest, Hungary

Top 3 experiences so far:

·     Walking Mount St. Michelle at night

·      Being at the top of the Eiffel Tower with the whole family

·      Turkish Bath

Things I miss:

·     Our bed

Place I would spend more time: Malta 

Strangest thing I’ve done: Eat lamb intestines (and take a bite of a spleen and lung sandwich).

Biggest lesson from the trip so far: Breathe, Smile, Repeat

Worst moment: Worst - finding out about my Uncle Roger (after that, being denied entry to Malta because we had the wrong COVID test).

Best food: Lamb in Macedonian village near the Greek border and the Strawberry Nutella Crepe at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

First thing I’ll do when I get back: Coffee on our porch

Advice to myself for the rest of the trip: Make the most of each and every moment - this sabbatical will be over in the blink of an eye.


Three Months Down…


Three Months In: My Thoughts