Three Months Down…

Mt. Etna crater, trying to give my grandmothers heart attacks

Name: Paul Reno-Weber

Top 3 cities so far:

·      Dubrovnik, Croatia

·      Venice, Italy

·      Istanbul, Turkey

Top 3 experiences so far:

·     Cliff diving from the walls of Dubrovnik

·     Ferry ride in Venice

·     Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

Things I miss:

·     English

·     Our normal routine

Place I would spend more time: Croatia

Strangest thing I’ve done: Eating liver, lung, intenstines, and spleen 

So many stray animals, so little time…

Biggest lesson from the trip so far: Either google foods BEFORE you eat them or don’t ask 

Best food: Pasta Bolognese in Venice (but really everywhere)

First thing I’ll do when I get back: Eat a giant Qdoba burrito

Advice to myself for the rest of the trip: “Keep your expectations modest.”


Q1 Thoughts


Q1: Three Months on the Road