Three Months In: My Thoughts

In Istanbul

Name: Ava Reno-Weber

Top 3 cities so far:

·      Athens, Greece

·      Sicily (all of it)

·      Istanbul, Turkey 

Poseidon’s temple was pretty cool

Top 3 experiences so far:

·      Exploring Poseidon’s temple south of Athens

·      Baking lessons with Naunie and Mom in Paris

·      Cheesemaking in Puglia with our friends

Plus Cole was there, which was great

Top 3 things I miss:

·      Our neighbors

·      Coldstone Ice Cream

·      Krispy Kreme, especially the Santa doughnuts

Place I would spend more time: Athens

Strangest thing I’ve done: Eat lamb intenstine

Biggest lesson from the trip so far: “Make sure we get the right kind of COVID tests”

Worst moment: leaving home

Best food: the Madeleines we made in Paris

First thing I’ll do when I get back: get my hair cut shorter


Q1: Three Months on the Road


I DId It My Way: Papa, 3 months In