Q1 Thoughts

Trying to embrace the overwhelming, shocking, terrifying, amazing, and fun

Name: Ben Reno-Weber

Top 3 cities so far:

·      Istanbul, Turkey

·      Valetta, Malta

·      Lisbon, Portugal

Top 3 experiences so far:

·      Croatia, all of it

·      Hiking Mt. Etna with the kids

·      Food tour in Istanbul

Things I miss:

·     My friends

·     Working with founders and young people

Place I would spend more time: Malta 

Strangest thing I’ve done: Showing up in town with my family to stay in people’s houses based on pictures they have posted on the Internet

First place I would go back: Duoro Valley, Portugal

I could spend some more time in Portufal

Worst moment: Driving a 9 pasenger van on tiny roads across the Balkans 

Best food: Breakfast tapas in Istanbul

First thing I’ll do when I get back: Host a brunch

Advice to myself for the rest of the trip: Stay focused on the here and now


A German Thanksgiving


Three Months Down…