I DId It My Way: Papa, 3 months In

Name: Bill Grano, Sr.

Top 3 cities so far:

·      Florence, Italy

·      Thessaloniki, Greece

·      Paris, France 

Top 3 experiences so far:

·       The Acropolis in Athens

·       Swimming in the sea in Croatia

·       Eiffel Tower 

Top 3 things I miss:

·      American breakfasts

·      Golf

·      Family 

Place I would spend more time: Florence 

Strangest thing: the toilets in the showers in our Istanbul apartment 

First place I would go back:

Summer: Croatia,

Winter: Florence 

Biggest lesson from the trip so far: watch your budget 

Worst moment: the flights

Best food: Steak house in Florence 

First thing I’ll do when I get back: An American Breakfast

Guest Bloggers

The people who come to visit us on the way have thoughts. Here’s where they live.


Three Months In: My Thoughts


Where Has Naunie Been for Three Months?