Pop Up Communities
Among my favorite things about this adventure has been the tiny communities that pop up around us like waves, have a brief and lively existence, and then recede back into the ether. Sometimes it’s with locals, sometimes fellow-travellers, and sometimes friends from long ago. But they all are a part of the magic.
Singapore Speed vs. Moving Through Mud In Manila
It ain’t all beaches and camel rides. Sometimes things just don’t work. This is an out-of-order chronicle about the transition from Singapore to the Phillipines. Mostly, we can laugh and know it will be a good story when we’re on the other side. Sometimes less so. Sometimes, when McSpegetti is on the menu, you just eat it.
COVID Strikes Again!
We thought for sure we’d gained enough immunities to get us through the rest of our trip without anyone testing positive for COVID. Alas, it was not meant to be.
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