Pop Up Communities

Pop Up Communities

Among my favorite things about this adventure has been the tiny communities that pop up around us like waves, have a brief and lively existence, and then recede back into the ether. Sometimes it’s with locals, sometimes fellow-travellers, and sometimes friends from long ago. But they all are a part of the magic.

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Desperately Seeking Service
Philippines Ben Reno-Weber Philippines Ben Reno-Weber

Desperately Seeking Service

For the vast majority of this trip, work and life have flowed pretty seamlessly. And then it didn’t. Which led to me doing calls at 1am under a streetlight in the middle of nowhere in the Philippines.

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Welcome to the Jungle (part 1I)
Philippines Ben Reno-Weber Philippines Ben Reno-Weber

Welcome to the Jungle (part 1I)

The setting hasn’t changed, but I have. The kids and I get our heads right and can now properly appreciate the beautiful island on in the Philippines where we find ourselves. It is awesome in the way people meant it when they said it in the Bible.

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Welcome to the Jungle (part 1)
Philippines Ben Reno-Weber Philippines Ben Reno-Weber

Welcome to the Jungle (part 1)

Happiness is the distance between expectation and reality and, as my mother says, largely happens between your ears. This is about how we landed unexpectedly and ungratefully in a paradise we were not equipped to appreciate. The pictures do not do it justice - both because it’s impossible to capture the beautify and because it’s hard to take pictures of ants.

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