safari time!!!😁

Starting off we went on a safari which is just amazing on it’s own but anyway on this blog i’ll be talking about the big five and the ugly five of Kenya before I begin try guessing what animals are in each group

I’ll start with my personal favorites the ugly five:

First we have the warthog and I personally think that they are adorable in every way, shape, and form I mean just look at them on their little kneesđŸ„ș

I think that warthogs only eat plants but i am not sure

In second place for the ugly five we have vultures. These scavenger birds eat nothing but the scraps and leftovers of others. They are terrifying, disgusting, and definitely not my favorite animals on the planet.

After that we have the wildebeest, and let me tell you they are probably one of the funniest looking creatures in the known universe. However the locals have a story about how wildebeest  were created: they say that he was too tired/ lazy to create a new animal so he took a buffalo's horns, a grasshopper's head, a cow's body, a zebra’s stripes and a lion's tail. And because he had some goat legs left over, he used them too.

Next on the list we have the marabou stork. I am highly confident that it only eats fish but I could be wrong. I personally have seen them once and have no desire to ever see them again.

And finally, saving the best for last we have the hyena. I love hyena ’s and think they’re adorable so I have no idea how they are on the ugly five but anyway, hyena ’s only eat meat and generally eat the scraps of others kind of like vulture’s. And an added bonus the female’s are bigger and stronger than the males.

Yay we finished the ugly five now it’s time for the big five 

Starting us off the myth, the legend, the elephant. Elephants are gorgeous creature’s and I have met very few people who disagree, plus they live for about as long as humans and are herbivores.

Second, we have the Kaffir buffalo which I assume are almost exactly like every other buffalo but I wouldn’t know because I am fairly certain we did not see these on our safari anyway they eat plants.

Wooooh next is the leopard. I love leopards and think they’re really cool but on either the first or second day of our safari we saw two mating and everyone was omg this is so cool, wow this is amazing, I can’t believe I’m seeing this happen. Meanwhile I was just there being like “why are they so interested in this? These guys are weirdos, My family too?, What the heck?” anyway they only eat meat and generally avoid conflict.

Say yellow to the lions to the lions because they are next on this list lionesses are amazingly smart animals they can even trick the male lion into thinking that other lions cubs are his so that he won’t kill them. Lions only eat meat and are huge opportunist’s

Yay the last member of the big five is the rhino if it’s a Black rhino, White rhino, doesn’t matter they are so cool and it was so exciting for me to be able to see them they only eat plants and depending on the kind of rhino they have different mouth shapes.

Okay that was the last animal I hope that this was at least a little informative and I hope you enjoyed it goodbye and miss you all


Snapshot: Teenagers are the same everywhere

