Bolivian Border Blues
Travel, Peru, Bolivia, Border Crossing Ben Reno-Weber Travel, Peru, Bolivia, Border Crossing Ben Reno-Weber

Bolivian Border Blues

If this adventure ever becomes a book or a movie, this might be the opening scene:

The clock is literally running out on our chances to cross to Peru-Bolivia border, and I would be sweating if it weren't so cold. The van that brought us to the border from Peru is gone, the driver supposed to take us to La Paz has been waiting with increasing anxiety for 4 hours, and the border guards are not going to cut us a break. If we do not make it through, I am not sure where we will sleep tonight, as there do not appear to be any hostels or hotels on the Peruvian side of the border. The surrounding neighborhood made my Spidey sense tingle in broad daylight, and as dusk approaches the tingle becomes a churning in my gut.

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