Balkan Snapshot: The Roadtrip Begins

Travel pro’s that we are, we add car ferry to our means of transportation

Travel pro’s that we are, we add car ferry to our means of transportation

After an amazing couple of days, we embark on what we know will be a long day: Korcula to Tirana. Google maps has it at 9 hours, but we also have to go through 2 borders, get kids COVID-tested, and switch rental cars. So, 7:30am finds us all packed and in the van. 8am finds us on the car ferry to the mainland, having seamlessly navigated getting tickets and figuring out where to go.

Paul is cranking on a blog post en route

Paul is cranking on a blog post en route

“Damn, we’re getting good at this,” I think to myself.

Those whom the gods would cast down, they first make proud.



Border Crossings


Balkan Snapshot: Korcula