The adventure of a lifetime.

What happens when two hard-charging professionals leave their jobs, rent out their house, sell their cars, and pack up their 3 kids to spend a year living out of backpacks and traveling the world?

I guess we’ll find out!

Current Location

Home in Louisville, Ky!!!

Distance from home: 0!


and then

up next!


Distance from home: 0 miles!


previous locations

July 27th to August 1st

Hebron, Connecticut

Distance from home: 889 miles


July 17th to July 27th

Dublin, Offlay, Kilsheelan, Ireland

Distance from home: 3,756 miles


July 11th to July 17th

Edinburgh, The Highlands, & Isle of Skye, Scotland

Distance from home: 3,816 miles


July 5th to July 11th

London, England

Distance from home: 4,043 miles (and back across the “pond”)


June 30th to July 3rd

Cartagena, Colombia

Distance from home: 2,026 miles


June 27th to June 30th

Medellin, Colombia

Distance from home: 2,300 miles


June 24th to June 27th & July 3rd to 4th

Bogota, Colombia

Distance from home: 2,430 miles


June 16th to June 24th

Galapagos, Ecuador

Distance from home: 2,727 miles


June 11th to June 16th

Banos, Ambato, & Tena, Ecuador

Distance from home: 2,777 miles


June 8th to June 11th

Quito, Ecuador

Distance from home: 2,694 miles


June 4th to 8th

La Paz, Bolivia

Distance from home: 3,949 miles


May 30th to June 4th

Uyuni, Bolivia & the Salt Flats

Distance from home: 4,236 miles


May 27th to May 30th

Lake Titicaca, Peru

Distance from home: 3,889 miles


May 23rd to May 27th

Cusco, Peru

Distance from home: 3,685 miles


May 18th to May 23rd

Lima, Peru

Distance from home: 3,519 miles (closest to home we’ve been in a LONG time)


May 6th to May 18th

South Island, New Zealand

Distance from home: 8,383 miles


May 2nd to May 6th

North Island, New Zealand

Distance from home: 8,172 miles


April 24th to May 1st 2nd

Cuvu, Fiji

Distance from home: 7,342 miles


April 16th to April 21st

Brisbane, Australia

Distance from home: 8,997 miles


April 11th to April 16th

Melbourne, Australia

Distance from home: 9,706 miles


April 5th to April 11th

Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, Great Ocean Road Australia

Distance from home: 9,989 miles


March 28th to March 29th; April 1st to 5th and 21st to 24th

Sydney, Australia

Distance from home: 9,285 miles


March 29th to April 1st

Great Barrier Reef Cairns, Australia

Distance from home: 9,001 miles


March 27th to March 28th

Manila, Philippines

Distance from home: 8,390 miles


March 21st to March 26th

Palawan, Philippines

Distance from home: 8,752 miles


March 17th to March 21st - Separated By COVID Again

Singapore & Philippines

Distance from home: 9,627 miles & 8,390 miles


February 26th to March 13th

Phuket, Thailand

Distance from home: 9,232 miles


February 19th to February 26th

chang Mai, Thailand

Distance from home: 8,478 miles


February 15th to 18th

Bangkok, Thailand

Distance from home: 8,815 miles


February 7th to February 15th

Katmandu, Nepal

Distance from home: 7,837 miles


February 4th to February 7th

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Distance from home: 7,373 miles


January 27th - February 4th

Amman, Jordan

Distance from home: 6,302 miles


January 8th to January 27th

Nairobi, Kenya

Distance from home: 8,003 miles


January 2nd to January 7th

Barcelona, Spain

Distance from home: 4,453 miles


December 28th to January 1, 2022


Distance from home: 4,306 miles - Distance to Arctic Circle: 100 Miles


December 27th to December 28th


Distance from home: 4,426 miles


December 18th to December 27th

Samoens, France

Distance from home: 4,489 miles


December 13th to December 18th

Leysin, Switzerland

Distance from home: 4,492 miles


December 11th to December 13th

Munich/Bavaria, Germany

Distance from home: 4,612 miles


December 8th to December 11th

Berlin, Germany

Distance from home: 4,520 miles


December 5th to December 8th

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Distance from home: 4,212 miles


November 29th to December 5th

BRussels, Belgium

Distance from home: 4,237 miles


November 27th to November 29th

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Distance from home: 4,341 miles


November 24th to November 27th

Frankfurt, Germany

Distance from home: 4,648 miles


November 19th to November 24th

Prague, Czech Republic

Distance from home: 4,648 miles


November 16th to November 19th

Vienna, Austria

Distance from home: 4,793 miles


November 13th to November 16th

Budapest, Hungary

Distance from home: 4,922 miles


November 5th to November 13th

Palermo, Sicily

Distance from home: 5,074 miles


October 24th to November 5th

Catania, Sicily

Distance from home: 5,175 miles


October 22nd/23rd to October 24th

Valletta, Malta

Distance from home: 5,209 miles


October 15th to October 22nd

Puglia, Italy

Distance from home: 5,124 miles


October 13th to October 15th

Rome, Italy

Distance from home: 4,886 miles


October 11th to October 13th

Florence, Italy

Distance from home: 4,762 miles


October 9th to October 11th

Venice, Italy

Distance from home: 4,756 miles


October 3rd to October 9th

Istanbul, Turkey

Distance from home: 5,586 miles


September 28th to October 3rd, 2021

Crete, Greece

Distance from home: 5,691 miles


September 25th to September 28TH, 2021

Athens, Greece

Distance from home: 5,520 miles


September 23rd to September 25TH, 2021

Thessaloniki, Greece

Distance from home: 5,369 miles


September 22nd to September 23rd, 2021

Skopje, Macedonia

Distance from home: 5,248 miles


September 20th to September 22nd, 2021

Tirana, Albania

Distance from home: 5,213 miles


September 18th - September 20th, 2021

Korcula, Croatia

Distance from home: 5,026 miles


September 11th to September 18th, 2021

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Distance from home: 5,049 miles


September 8th to September 11th, 2021

Sipan Island, Croatia

Distance from home: 5,075 miles


September 3rd to September 7th, 2021

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Distance from home: 5,087 miles


August 29th to September 3rd, 2021

Normandy, France

Distance from home: 4,129 miles


August 18th - 29th, 2021

Paris, France

Distance from home: 4,219 miles


August 9 - 18, 2021


Distance from home: 4,110 miles



Departure Day: August 7, 2021

 Louisville, Kentucky

Distance from home: 0 miles