under the sea!!!!!!
We have been to a lot of beautiful places but one of the coolest things we’ve done is go SCUBA DIVING it was so fun and exciting and we learned about air pressure and scuba gear and fun things to do underwater like bubble rings. And after we got diving certified we went on a two day diving trip on the great barrier reef!!!!
I was so excited to see it and the first dive was magical just so amazing and then the next dive and so on. then it was night time when the reef sharks came out (they are harmless to humans) and they said if you want to you can go on a night dive with sharks and of course we said YES so we got all of our stuff on and the first 5 minutes was the coolest thing and then we got 20 minutes more and when we got out we saw the southern cross. nothing could make that day better. then in the morning we went on a early dive and on the second dive we saw a SEA TURTLE it was the one thing that i really wanted to see out of all of the things i really wanted to see a sea turtle.