Hobbit Homes and broken toes

so, weird name for a blog, right? But it pretty much sums up what we've done in New Zealand so far. I will start with the hobbit holes because those were a lot more fun. We went to Hobbiton on a tour and I'm going to be completely honest with everyone who loves "Lord of the Rings" or "The Hobbit." This place was awesome. you wouldn't believe the amount of detail that was in every single house. And the thought that so many people worked so hard on a set that was going to be on screen for like 10 seconds, made me mildly annoyed. Either way the tour was fantastic. We walked all around the set and even got to go inside of a couple houses. My dad might have loved it more than anyone else just because of his size compared to the sizes of the hobbit homes. In the middle of the tour we learned that there was actually a fake tree somewhere and we got to guess which one it was. No one in my family found it but it was the tree right on top of bilbo's house, according to our tour guide the tree we saw was actually made out of steel and plastic. I still don't understand how they made it, I mean it was so realistic and beautiful. At the end of the tour before we left they brought us to the Hobbiton pub called "the green dragon" while we were there we had apple cider and I got to try an afghan for the first time half of it was coated in chocolate and it was so good. Anyway onto the broken toes part of this blog. Paul broke his toe, but not in the way you'd originally think

After seeing this picture I hope you understand more clearly, you see we were all playing on a wonderful playground when suddenly disaster struck, Paul had been running from a rabid lion when it grabbed his toenail and nearly tore it off. Luckily I was there to fend it off and turn it in but it was too late for Paul. He was bleeding and could barely walk. I helped him back to the camper and bandaged his foot so his wound wouldn't get infected he's almost made a full recovery and it was all thanks to me :D


Caves? or worm caves?

