just a little cooler than home

this is just a little awesome

okay, okay let’s just be honest and say that this is absolutely amazing. This was the first good look that we got at Venice and I have to say I wasn’t sad about going. Like any reasonable person I was already exited to go to Venice. I mean it’s literally made out of a bunch of islands and a million bridges, but this just made it a thousand times cooler.

On to the experiences: Even being in Venice for such a short time we made the most out of almost every second. My favorite part was when me and dad woke up before everyone else and looked for a bakery and scouted out places to go. While we were doing this we happened to find this amazing sight along with what was basically like a water bus. Seriously imagine a bus nd then put it on the water I don’t know why but that was pretty cool to me. Just picture someone asking you how you got to school “oh well I just rode the water bus, like a normal person.’’

oh and here’s the water bus

Of course, you can’t have good thigs if nothing bad happens to you. So, in return for being on this trip Buddy was lost in Venice and will now learn to speak Italian.

And finally I need to say sorry for not writing any blogs school has made it a lot harder and HAPPY HALLOWEEN YAWL


Being Still


sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not