Monthly Highlights!

I can't say I have low expectations for travel, so when we got on a 5-star deluxe train for 10 hours, my expectations for our future endeavors were raised a good 10 notches. After about the 1st Hour I realized that the drinks were complimentary, and well let's just say I ordered about 10 servings of their OJ and a couple of hot chocolates. In the meantime, I busied myself listening to audiobooks and wondering what it would be like if we had a dog named Taco. Now let us jump back a few days to Lima, Peru we learned how to surf, and make ceviche, and I got to say I have a real knack for surfing. It's really just like snowboarding, but our hypothetical snow is constantly moving, so it's more or less like snowboarding on an avalanche. Now to what I think is the coolest part, we swam with over 8,000 sea lions, sounds like an over-exaggeration right? But no there were easily 8,000 or more sea lions swimming with us. It just sounds too good to be true doesn't it, well, believe me, it was. Because the one minor detail they forgot to mention on our brochure is the water is -2 Celsius which is a little less than 28 degrees!


Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn…

