
As I continue to unplug and detach from my professional life and immerse in this year of travel, I’m realizing there is still more “decluttering” to do. It started with our home. After 11 years in the same house, we had accumulated a ton of stuff. So much so that I think we took 8 truckloads to the Goodwill before it was all said and done.

As we stored all our clothes and belongings to make room for the lovely couple who’d be renting our home for the year, I kept only a handful of clothes; enough to fit in a travel backpack.

In my final weeks at Metro United Way, I stepped away from all the Community Boards I was serving on with the exception of one - the Drucker Institute.

My current (and maybe last?) decluttering project is to Unsubscribe from all the junk mail I get in my inbox. And let me tell you it is a TON! Over the years, I’ve clearly agreed to receive near daily email blasts from a plethora of retail and online stores, political campaigns, social media apps, and the like. I’ve spent the last week unsubscribing from every blast email I receive and somehow, more keep arriving. I’m hoping by the end of a two week cycle I will have cleared them all out.

It may sound like I’m checking out, but really, my goal is to be more intentional about checking in with myself, my kids, my family and friends, and the world around me. To do that, I need to remove all the noise and distractions and just unsubscribe.

And here’s a bit of what I’m filling the space with…

The above aside, you shouldn’t unsubscribe from this blog. :)


round the world food page with monkey.


A new Porto!