
So perhaps a week is not enough time to do all the things one needs to do to leave their home for a year of travel with their husband and three kids. My last day of work was Friday, July 30th and we fly to Portugal, by way of Newark/New York on Saturday, August 7th.

Needless to say, the week has been a blur of organizing, packing, and cleaning. Not only are we preparing to live out of backpacks for the next year, but we are also getting our home ready for our renters, who arrive shortly after we depart on the 7th.

I’ve always been a believer that things will take as long as you give them to take, so here we are - running a bit crazy with less than 20 hours to go before we walk out our front door with a plan to not return for 365 days.

Aside from the logistical pieces of leaving, there were also the bittersweet moments of connecting with friends and family that we may not see for the next year. Though we truly hope to see somewhere along our journey. From dinners with other couples, to lake adventures, birthday celebrations, and a super sweet going away bash some of our closest friends hosted for us, we are so thankful for all those we were able to connect with.


Parting is such sweet sorrow