There and Back Again

America, we missed you so…

We did it. A decade of planning later, we are back on American soil.

37 countries

80 something cities

AirBnB should sponsor us…

Floods, blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes, and civil unrest

Food poisoning, jellyfish stings, fungal infections, COVID, and countless cuts and bruises

Beaches, mountains, glaciers, and volcanoes

Cathedrals, temples, castles, and skyscrapers

Hobbit holes, playgrounds, fairy villages, towering rock formations, and lightless caverns

Lions, koalas, turtles, sharks, monkeys, and a million stray dogs/cats

Coffee shops, grubs, street vendors, pubs, and restaurants

Algebra, English, volume of liquids, and mangrove tree ecosystems

Tuk-tuks, trains, trucks, and boats

Floating islands, cramped apartments, mountain hostels, and sprawling castles

And quiet mornings to write. With coffee.

Man, it will be good to be home.


The Final Stretch part 3, Ireland