a not so brief summary of December so far

So, on the 1st of December to the 5th we were in probably the best place ever (if we’re talking about food) BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. Seriously their signature food was steak and fries and they have the best chocolate ever, so we drank hot chocolate ate/ tried a bunch of normal chocolate and even made some chocolate.

After the amazingness that was Brussels we went to Amsterdam and of course like any normal tourists we did a walking tour, on said walking tour we got a little more information about the red light district, and we learned about the very interesting way that Amsterdam handle’s addictive and fatal drugs that I’m sure someone else will cover sooner or later.

Then from Belgium we went to Berlin, Germany. There we went to see where exactly the berlin wall was set up by doing another walking tour but this time it was with one of my dads friends. Our guide showed us things that we wouldn’t have seen otherwise like some metro stops that had pieces of history integrated into the wall’s and some that were previously blocked off with bricks because you could still theoretically ride them to the other side of the wall.

Next we went to Munich and Bavaria, while we were there we went to one of the most famous concentration camps called Dachau. As you can imagen it was very educational but also extremely depressing. Ava couldn’t even go into one of the building because it was used for mass murdering’s and incineration’s. However a day later we went to mad king Ludwig’s castle and it was just as beautiful as I thought it would be. While there we learned that it was actually the castle that Disney based theirs after, and that mad king Ludwig was probably autistic rather than insane.

Once again we changed locations from Germany to Switzerland and boy was that fun. Why? You might be asking. Well, we stayed in an awesome place, met an awesome cat, and most importantly, we had our first two days of skiing and snowboarding. Personally I thought that I was pretty rusty and needed to work on some parallel skiing so I got some lessons. Hilariously in the time we spent there (two days) we skied the entirety of the mountain so we had to move on.

Our current location is Samoens, France until tomorrow when we go to Sweden. We spent Christmas here in the alps skiing and boarding everyday except Christmas day and the day after. You are probably wondering: Well Sophia what could you have gotten for gifts? Not much, right, since you’re traveling? Well, you’re in fact incorrect. I got a bunch of stuff that’s helpful and fun! For example, I got a pair of air pods that I will use all the time, plus a new sweatshirt and light fleece, 2 T-shirts, a metal water bottle for Kenya, and an awesome tarot necklace with the High Priestess card on it. So in conclusion, I am very happy with the amount of things I got and hope you had a great Christmas. Especially all the people who sadly got COVID during Christmas.


Christmas in the Sea of Clouds (or the Swiss & French Family Reno-Weber)


Christmas in the Alps