This was pretty cool!

WOOOOOHHHH!!!!! It has been a while since I last wrote a blog, but sadly that does not mean that I am starting from where I left off no no no in fact we are skipping Jordan and Dubai and going right to Nepal. I have to say I loved Nepal so much, I mean we did so many things there we went on another small safari, we went paragliding, and we went bungee jumping so our week was pretty packed. We started with paragliding which I was both super excited and terrified of doing. But most importantly somehow, somehow, my grandma who is terrified of heights came with us. 

Now that I’ve explained what we were doing let me explain how it went starting with the takeoffs. I was the last to take off so I saw them all. My dad was first, which he was super excited about, he took off and as soon as his feet weren’t touching the ground he started screaming at the top of his lungs because of how amazing he felt. Next off the ground was Naunie and as I have already explained she is scared of heights so this was a big thing for her. Before she got off the ground the wind shifted and Naunie tripped causing a rough but funny take off. Third was mom and she had a pretty smooth takeoff as I recall. Fourth went Ava and she was smaller than the person she was strapped to so she barely did anything. After her came Paul and he stumbled a little but quickly found his balance and was off the ground in seconds. Finally it was my turn, I have to say I was not prepared for take off but only because I had not mentally prepared myself to jump off a cliff attached to a stranger and a parachute. In the end we had a great time paragliding but after we landed, me and Ava could to stop smiling :)

The next super awesome, super cool, super amazing adventure we went on was another safari which was so much fun. We saw so many rhinos, even more than we saw on the African safari and we saw them super close up which was so cool and one of the rhinos we saw was super close to charging us because she was a mom with her kid but we backed up and everything was fine. While we were looking for the rhinos we stayed in an amazing lodge but I don’t remember the name of it.

The last of our adventures in Nepal was bungee jumping. Mom, dad, and Paul were the only ones who did it and they said that it was super fun but after the jumping they were just hanging until the guy at the top lowered them down to the guy on the ground. During this period of time Paul forgot to pull up to stop the blood rushing to his head so he felt super sick for the next hour. 

Anyway that’s all I have for this blog. It might not make all the sense in the world but that’s because it’s 1:30am in Nepal.


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