the wonderful Izzy of Oz

Hi my name is Isvara and this is my guest blog! So you might be wondering what the heck does this title have to do with anything… well to answer your possible question it has absolutely NOTHING to do with this blog except for me :) So if you don't already know me, I'm a friend of Reno Webers and I went to school with them at Hawthorne Elementary. To start off I was already in Ecuador a week earlier than the Reno Webers. And then a magical thing happened, a week later the Reno Webers were coming! But then something very unfortunate happened, THEIR FLIGHT GOT DELAYED FOR LITERALLY 9 HOURS!!!!!! But eventually they arrived in Quito, Ecuador! We talked on the porch until 11 pm, then we were just monkeys. Somehow we ended up in Ambato where my house is, and then we had lunch at TORA ( my family's cafe). Then we stayed in Banos, the city, not a bathroom. Our hotel had two bunnies, a doggo and a very mean cat that bit me. We also swam for a while and then we watched Beetlejuice the movie, and I give it a -10/10. It was so bad.
The next day we went on an adventure. The first thing we did was go to this park and it had a big swing and when I say big, I mean BIG! Then me and Sophia swung off a cliff. The thing I was standing on collapsed and it was SO FUN!Then we went ziplining over a giant waterfall. That night we went to El Tena and we swam at the pool and it was fun. The next day we went to Misahualli and visited indiginus tribes and Paul got married. The next day we visited my cousins and went to a waterfall and I almost died. That night due to riots we had to go to Quito which is 4 HOURS away, and we arrived at 1 am the next day. Then we went to the money museum and COOL is the best word to explain it. We also went on a gondola and that was fun as well. Then we got KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN! And then I am writing this blog yassss.

Guest Bloggers

The people who come to visit us on the way have thoughts. Here’s where they live.




Bolivian Border Blues