Friends in Far Places

This is a quick shout out to all the friends and family we’ve connected with along our journey! Those from home who’ve come to meet us, but also those who live abroad and have welcomed us in their cities and hosted us in their homes! We cannot express enough how much your hospitality has meant or how much it has enriched our experience. Thank you! 💕

Pictured (mostly) above from most recent to first:

  • Long-lost Italian family - Connie and Daniela and their kids in Melbourne, Australia (more on this awesome connection to come!)

  • Kennedy School Classmate Clare and her beautiful family in Melbourne, Australia

  • My best friend Erin’s cousin Ashley and her fiancé Angus in their new home in Adelaide, Australia

  • World Bank friend Dennis, his wife Emina, and their kids in Singapore, Singapore (kids not pictured)

  • Business School friend/roommate Corey’s family in Manila, Philippines

  • My parents Bill and Angela for nearly 8 months and 28 countries

  • KY YMCA friend Zak in Phuket, Thailand

  • My cousin Denise, her husband Duke, and little Clara in Amman, Jordan

  • Ben’s mom Maddie in Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, France, Sweden, and Kenya

  • Louisville friends Kimberly & Jason Clark in Barcelona, Spain (not pictured)

  • Louisville friend Joanna in Brussels and Bruges, Belgium (and Amsterdam and Switzerland!)

  • McKinsey & Company friend Hoa-Mi and her husband in Brussels, Belgium (not pictured)

  • KY YMCA friend Andrew and his wife Lauren in Berlin, Germany

  • World Bank friend Yatza and husband in Frankfurt, Germany

  • Louisville friends Bill and Joe in Prague, Czech Republic

  • Life/Louisville friend Jon in Vienna and Prague

  • Louisville friend Tony in Budapest and Vienna

  • Long-lost Italian family - Margaret and Lucy and their families in Sortino, Sicily

  • Louisville friends Erin and Cole in Italy and Australia

  • My brother Billy in Greece and Istanbul

  • World Bank friend Zoran in Skopje, North Macedonia

  • World Bank friend Eric and his wife Emira in Sarajevo, Bosnia AND Korcula, Croatia

  • Ben’s “Bosnia Mom” Gordona and her husband in Sarajevo, Bosnia

  • Host and guide extraordinaire Julie Tafel in Dubrovnik and Sipan, Croatia

  • Louisville friends aka “The League” - Annie and Bill, Larry and Emma, Chad and Lauren in Croatia


More Signs from the Road


Kangaroos, Koalas, & Friends from Home!